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Booking in Bologna
Hotel Tre Vecchi * * * * Bologna
Under a characteristic portico, in an antique building of the main street of Bologna, you will find the Hotel Tre Vecchi.
The name dates back at least 100 years to when the hotel and restaurant was entitled "Tre Vecchi" or rather "Three Old Men", believed to have been run by 3 old men. The hotel is housed in elegant, adjoining 3 and 5-floor terraced buildings, surrounded by a characteristic arcade, dating back to the 19th century. The medium sized lobby is appointed in an ornate style, with traditional furnishings, a small painted ceiling dome and white columns. It has an open plan design with a welcoming lounge bar and high-speed internet connection available throughout the public areas. The hotel also offers a continental style buffet every morning in a narrow basement breakfast room, which features brick arches, mirrors and murals, creating an unusual but cosy environment.

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